Women’s Guild                                                                                                                             

2025 Trinity Women’s Fellowship

Motto: Let us not tire of doing good; for if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest. – Galatians 6:9

The purpose of this group is to unite the women of Trinity in Christian fellowship. We seek to support the congregation and the community through donations, service projects, and funeral meals. We thank all who have contributed in so many ways.

Fellowship will be at 10:15am on the second Sunday of each month in the Chapel Room, unless noted otherwise.


January 12, 2025 – A representative from Dove Recovery House will be giving us an update on their program. Please consider donating some of the following items for their use: dish soap, sponges, Magic Erasers, laundry detergent, all purpose cleaner, clorox wipes, large and small trash bags, toilet paper, paper towels, razors. (A complete wish list and ways to volunteer are on the Women’s Fellowship bulletin board).

February 9, 2025 – Join us after the worship service for coffee, donuts, muffins and other breakfast treats.

March 7, 2025 – World Day of Prayer at Precious Blood Catholic Church

March 9, 2025 – To be announced. Watch for more information in the newsletter and bulletin.

April 13, 2025 – Mariah Bauer from the Dubois County Health Department will be speaking about the Pre to 3 program that is geared towards combating maternal and infant mortality rates.

May 7, 2025  6:30pm – We will caravan to Augustana UCC in Holland for a joint spring gathering with women from Augustana and St. Paul.

May 13, 2025 – Any interested Women of Lincolnland will again meet for lunch at noon at the Schnitzelbank.

The following members are assigned as the “contact” person for the month to reach out to shut-in’s through a visit, card and/or phone call. Please consider also serving in this important ministry.

Officers are Heather Goodhue, Judy Hubster, Susan McGovren, Jan Kalb, and Sylvia Adams