

The United Church of Christ recognizes two sacraments: Baptism and Communion, which were instituted by Jesus as recorded in the Bible. These sacraments prepare us to go out and serve the Lord.

Baptism is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God. The ritual of Baptism is joining the universal church and acknowledges the call to be God’s people forever.

Water is the essential element of baptism, a symbol of cleansing. Infants, children, youth and adults can be baptized through our ministry. We recognize the validity of all baptisms, so if you have been baptized before it is not necessary to be baptized again. Contact our Pastor for any other questions on baptism.

The Holy Communion can also be referred to as the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist.   The meaning remains the same – to hear, taste, touch and receive the grace of God, through Jesus Christ.

Communion reflects the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples on the night before his death, when he broke the bread and drank the wine as a sign of a new covenant. The bread and cup are symbols of Christ’s body broken for us and His blood shed for us on the cross. We eat and drink together in remembrance of Christ who is among us, making all things new – a hopeful sign of justice, love and peace.

Communion at Trinity takes place the first Sunday of the month and special times throughout the church’s calendar. All are welcome to partake in communion; this is referred to as open communion.  Should you wish to receive communion, please pick up your communion wafer and cup as you enter the sanctuary.

We welcome children of any age at our communion table, at the discretion of parents. Please speak to Pastor if you have questions regarding children at the communion table.
